Maker Workshop VCR Cat Feeder
John Park poses a kitty conundrum: Whos going to feed the cat while youre on vacation? Using a motor from an old VCR, he creates an automated feline feeder. While building this Make: magazine project, John learned that newer VCRs have safeguard technology, limiting access to the motor. Watch John as he demonstrates his solutions to this challenge.
Download the PDF for instructions at WWW.MAKEZINE.TV

YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014
‘YouTube Rewind 2014. Celebrating the moments, memes, and people that made 2014. Can you spot all the refs? #YouTubeRewind
WATCH 2014’S TOP VIDS: http://yt.be/rewind
WATCH THE BTS: https://youtu.be/8sPUM6QnTOI
Music mixed by DJ Earworm: http://youtube.com/djearworm
Action Movie Kid https://youtube.com/theActionMovieKid
Aichi Ono https://youtube.com/SpinboyAichi0307
Amanda Steele https://youtube.com/MakeupbyMandy24
AmazingPhil https://youtube.com/AmazingPhil
Andy Raconte https://youtube.com/AndyRaconte
Anil B https://youtube.com/WaRTeKGaminG
Ape Crime https://youtube.com/ApeCrimeReloaded
Apollos Hester http://youtu.be/X7ymriMhoj0
Barely Political https://youtube.com/barelypolitical
Bart Baker https://youtube.com/BartBaKer
Bethany Mota https://youtube.com/Macbarbie07
Big Bird https://youtube.com/SesameStreet
Bilingirl https://youtube.com/cyoshida1231
Brett Nichols https://youtube.com/BrettNicholsOfficial
Brittani Louise Taylor: https://www.youtube.com/BrittaniLouiseTaylor
Carrie Fletcher https://youtube.com/ItsWayPastMyBedTime
Chris Hardwick https://youtube.com/Nerdist/
Colin Furze https://youtube.com/colinfurze
Conan O’Brien https://youtube.com/teamcoco
Conchita Wurst https://youtube.com/ConchitaWurst
Connor Franta https://youtube.com/ConnorFranta
Corridor Digital https://youtube.com/CorridorDigital
Cyprien https://youtube.com/MonsieurDream
daaruum https://youtube.com/daaruum
danisnotonfire https://youtube.com/danisnotonfire
Devil Baby https://youtube.com/devilsduenyc
Dodie Clark https://youtube.com/doddleoddle
Ella Caney-Willis https://youtube.com/EllaSaysHiya
Enjoy Phoenix https://youtube.com/EnjoyPhoenix
Epic Rap Battles https://youtube.com/ERB
Evan Edinger https://youtube.com/naveregnide
fouseyTUBE https://youtube.com/fouseyTUBE
Freddie W https://youtube.com/freddiew
Gabriel Valenciano https://youtube.com/iamgabvalenciano
Gal Volinez http://goo.gl/zPKRNo
Grace Helbig https://youtube.com/graciehinabox
Hajime https://youtube.com/0214mex
Hannah Hart https://youtube.com/MyHarto
Heart https://youtube.com/ThatsHeart
Hello Denizen https://youtube.com/HelloDenizen
Hikakin https://youtube.com/HIKAKIN
HolaSoyGerman https://youtube.com/HolaSoyGerman
How It Should Have Ended https://youtube.com/HISHEdotcom
IISuperwomanII https://youtube.com/IISuperwomanII
iJustine https://youtube.com/ijustine
Ingrid Nilsen https://youtube.com/missglamorazzi
iTakahashi https://youtube.com/iTakahashikun
Jenna Marbles https://youtube.com/JennaMarbles
Jimmy Kimmel https://youtube.com/JimmyKimmelLive
John Oliver https://youtube.com/LastWeekTonight
Kacy Catanzaro http://youtu.be/XfZFuw7a13E
Kid President http://goo.gl/D9e40D
Kingsley https://youtube.com/ItsKingsleyBitch
Kosuke https://youtube.com/user/pazudoraya
Kurt Hugo Schneider https://youtube.com/KurtHugoSchneider
Le Floid https://youtube.com/LeFloid
Luke Cutforth https://youtube.com/LukeIsNotSexy
Mamiruton https://youtube.com/TheMaxMurai
Manako (Q’ulle) http://goo.gl/EtLTpW
MasuoTV https://youtube.com/MasuoTV
Matt Bittner http://youtu.be/8UoJ-34Ssa0
Max Murai https://youtube.com/TheMaxMurai
Michelle Phan https://youtube.com/MichellePhan
Mika Shindate https://youtube.com/shindatemika
Niki Albon https://youtube.com/NikiNSammy
PDS https://youtube.com/PDSKabushikiGaisha
Pentatonix https://youtube.com/PTXofficial
PewDiePie https://youtube.com/PewDiePie
PrankvsPrank https://youtube.com/PrankvsPrank
Raphael Gomes https://youtube.com/ItsRaphaBlueBerry
Rhett & Link https://youtube.com/RhettandLink
Rosanna Pansino https://youtube.com/RosannaPansino
Sadie Miller https://youtube.com/amillerfull
Sam Tsui https://youtube.com/TheSamTsui
Sami Slimani https://youtube.com/HerrTutorial
Sammy Albon https://youtube.com/NikiNSammy
Sasaki Asahi https://youtube.com/sasakiasahi
Seikin https://youtube.com/SeikinTV
Sione Vaka Kelepi https://youtube.com/sionemaraschino
Sir Fedora https://www.youtube.com/SirFedora
SkyDoesMinecraft https://youtube.com/SkyDoesMinecraft
Smosh https://youtube.com/smosh
Stephen Colbert https://youtube.com/comedycentral
Steve Kardynal https://youtube.com/SteveKardynal
Stuart Edge https://youtube.com/stuartedge
The Fine Bros https://youtube.com/TheFineBros
The Gregory Brothers https://youtube.com/schmoyoho
The Slow Mo Guys https://youtube.com/theslowmoguys
Troye Sivan https://youtube.com/TroyeSivan18
Tyler Oakley https://youtube.com/tyleroakley
VlogBrothers https://youtube.com/vlogbrothers
Vsauce2 https://youtube.com/Vsauce2
Vsauce3 https://youtube.com/Vsauce3
WORLD ORDER https://youtube.com/crnaviofficial
Rewind 2014 created by YouTube & Portal A http://portal-a.com
Full credits: http://portal-a.com/rewind2014
Special thanks to Koda, the beloved pup of Rewind’s lead editor, who made her debut as Spider Dog.
Fight ALS: http://goo.gl/aLCckj

Welcome to the School of YouTube: #LaughLearnGive
‘To donate to Comic Relief, click here:
If you’re in the U.K., text SOYT to 70005. Texts cost £5 plus your standard network message charge. £5 per text goes to Comic Relief. You must be 16 or over and please ask the bill : payer’s permission. For full terms and conditions and more information go to www.comicrelief.com/terms-of-use
If you’re in the U.S., text SOYT to 71777 to make a pledge. Then just click the link you get back to fill in your credit card information. Message and data rates may apply.
Join our headmaster for a tour around a school like no other, as this week we laugh, learn, and give at the School of YouTube.
This week your favourite creators will be learning something new, teaching skills you never knew they had, pushing themselves like never before – or simply embarrassing themselves in public.
Why? Because, while millions around the world will be going back to school this month, many children in areas of extreme poverty, or conflict, simply don’t have access to a quality education.
So this week, if you learn a little, or laugh a little, consider giving a little, to help those less fortunate go to school. Money raised will go to Comic Relief UK
See what those creators have been up to at youtube.com/youtube.
Thanks to our wonderful teachers:
Principal Ashens: https://www.youtube.com/ashens
Mr Diamond Minecart: https://www.youtube.com/thediamondminecart
Head of Gaming Studies, Ali-A: https://www.youtube.com/matroix
Miss Fleur de Force: https://www.youtube.com/fleurdeforce
Professor VSauce: https://www.youtube.com/Vsauce
And to our featured students:
Charlieissocoollike: https://www.youtube.com/charlieissocoollike
Casper Lee: https://www.youtube.com/dicasp
VSauce2: https://www.youtube.com/Vsauce2
Tom Scott: https://www.youtube.com/enyay
Threadbanger: https://www.youtube.com/ThreadBanger
Tyrranosauruslexxx: https://www.youtube.com/user/tyrannosauruslexxx
Myvirginkitchen: https://www.youtube.com/user/myvirginkitchen
Britpopprincess: https://www.youtube.com/user/BritPopPrincess
These and many more have contributed to the project – check out the full list at http://www.youtube.com/youtube. More coming throughout the week!
Acknowledgements and thanks:
Video filmed on location at Regent’s University London: http://www.regents.ac.uk/.
Panda image from the film ‘Sneezing Baby Panda – The Movie’.
Simon’s Cat image generously supplied by http://www.youtube.com/simonscat.

Rewind YouTube Style 2012
‘WATCH THE 2013 VIDEO: http://yt.be/rewind
We invited some YouTubers to star in a mash-up of culturally defining moments of 2012. Can you spot all the references?
Can you name all the YouTube stars in the video? Watch carefully and you might even find a few surprises… (Hint: try moving your mouse around in the player!).
PSY – http://youtube.com/officialpsy
Walk off the Earth – http://youtube.com/walkofftheearth
RyanHiga – http://youtube.com/nigahiga
AlphaCat – http://youtube.com/alphacat
KassemG – http://youtube.com/kassemg
DailyGrace – http://youtube.com/dailygrace
MysteryGuitarMan – http://youtube.com/mysteryguitarman
DaveDays – http://youtube.com/davedays
DeStorm – http://youtube.com/destorm
PyroBooby – http://youtube.com/pyrobooby
BarelyPolitical – http://youtube.com/barelypolitical
RealAnnoyingOrange – http://youtube.com/realannoyingorange
FreddieW – http://youtube.com/freddiew
CorridorDigital – http://youtube.com/corridordigital
RhettAndLink – http://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Smosh – http://youtube.com/smosh
FeliciaDay – http://youtube.com/geekandsundry
ChesterSee – http://youtube.com/chestersee
iJustine – http://youtube.com/ijustine
EpicMealTime – http://youtube.com/epicmealtime
MyHarto – http://youtube.com/myharto
JennaMarbles – http://youtube.com/jennamarbles
ShitGirlsSay – http://youtube.com/shitgirlssay
JuicyStar07 – http://youtube.com/juicystar07
GloZell – http://youtube.com/glozell1
ClevverTV – http://youtube.com/clevvertv
SmoshGames – http://youtube.com/smoshgames
HuskyStarcraft – http://youtube.com/huskystarcraft
TarynSouthern – http://youtube.com/tarynsouthern
EdBassmaster – http://youtube.com/edbassmaster
HeyKayli – http://youtube.com/HeyKayli
CaseyLavere – http://youtube.com/caseylavere
and more…
Directed by Peter Furia
Produced by Peter Furia and Beau Lewis | Director of Photography: Catherine Goldschmidt | Edited by Peter Furia and David Fine | A Seedwell Production | Full credits at http://seedwell.com/rewind

Arnold pumps you up for YouTube Comedy Week – Join in May 19-25
‘Find out why Arnold Schwarzenegger is so excited about YouTube Comedy Week.
Go behind the scenes at http://goo.gl/zFPbs
Comedy Week lineup: Vince Vaughn, The Lonely Island, Sarah Silverman, Epic Rap Battles of History, KassemG, Beardyman, Seth Rogen, Tobuscus, Reggie Watts, Michael Cera, Jenny Slate, Reggie Watts, Tim & Eric, Garfunkel & Oates, Norm Macdonald, 3 Loco, Brody Stevens, Eric André, Dax Flame, FIDLAR, Hannibal Buress, Jack McBrayer, Jeff Ross, Jerrod Carmichael, John Dore, Justin Willman, Kyle Kinane, Nathan Fielder, Nick Thune, Pete Holmes, Tummy Talk, Workaholics and many, many more! http://yt.be/comedyweek/channels
SUBSCRIBE to get YouTube Comedy Week posts from the YouTube Spotlight channel: http://yt.be/comedyweek/subscribe
GOOGLE+: Use #ComedyWeek (http://goo.gl/4LXot) and follow +YouTube (http://plus.google.com/+YouTube)
TWITTER: Use #ComedyWeek (http://goo.gl/Yxb4E) and tweet @YouTube (http://twitter.com/youtube)
WATCH Harley and his friends at Epic Meal Time make your dreams… and then eat them – http://youtube.com/EpicMealTime
WATCH Daily Grace who vlogs hilarious videos every day – http://youtube.com/dailygrace
WATCH Kyle Mooney with Good Neighbor sketch comedy group – http://youtube.com/GoodNeighborStuff
WATCH more Nathan Barnatt on his popular channel – http://youtube.com/nathanjbarnatt
WATCH Hi, I’m Rawn – http://youtube.com/hiimrawn
This video was produced by JASH – http://youtube.com/JASHNetwork
Directed by Nicholas Jasenovec | Edited by Nick Gallucci | written by Sean O’Connor & Danny Solomon | Graphics by Shane Winter | Executive Producers Daniel Kellison, Lee Hunter, Mickey Meyer | Produced by Aaron Cooke and David Parks
Special thanks to Daniel Ketchell
YouTube Comedy Week – May 19-25

Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn – The Big Live Comedy Show Highlights – YouTube
‘”The Internship” stars Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn search for their next big roles in this sketch. WATCH THE TRAILER FOR THE INTERNSHIP – http://youtube.com/theinternshipmovie
SUBSCRIBE to get YouTube Comedy Week posts from the YouTube Spotlight channel: http://yt.be/comedyweek/subscribe
GOOGLE+: Use #ComedyWeek (http://goo.gl/4LXot) and follow +YouTube (http://plus.google.com/+YouTube)
TWITTER: Use #ComedyWeek (http://goo.gl/Yxb4E) and tweet @YouTube (http://twitter.com/youtube)
YouTube Comedy Week – May 19-25

YouTube Comedy Week – Monday Rundown (#1 of 6)
‘START HERE: http://goo.gl/tw5ai
Marc and Todd from The Key of Awesome and Harley from EMT tells you what you’re going to watch this Comedy Week.
The History of YouTube – http://goo.gl/rLbvM
YouTube Though History – http://goo.gl/yjY2f
Talk Show Subway Car – http://goo.gl/E5U4l
Reg-Rolled – http://goo.gl/w58Zn
Perfect Night by Sarah Silverman – http://goo.gl/1Bbbi
Red vs. Blue Season 11 Teaser featuring Smosh – http://goo.gl/I84sx
Guitar Warfare featuring FreddieW – http://goo.gl/B48oS
Learn Guitar With David Brent – http://goo.gl/qBTCh
SUBSCRIBE TO BARELY POLITICAL – http://youtube.com/barelypolitical
SUBSCRIBE TO EPICMEALTIME – http://youtube.com/epicmealtime
SUBSCRIBE TO DANISNOTONFIRE – http://youtube.com/danisnotonfire
SUBSCRIBE TO AMAZINGPHIL – http://youtube.com/amazingphil
UPLOAD your #SpitTake – http://goo.gl/Zw9Tv
WATCH YouTube Comedy Week videos http://yt.be/comedyweek

The Glass Age, Part 1: Flexible, Bendable Glass
‘Be amazed as Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman introduce us to a whole new way of thinking about glass. Learn the history of glass innovation and watch incredible demonstrations of bendable optical fiber and thin, ultra-flexible glass.This is the Glass Age, where materials science is constantly pushing boundaries and creating new possibilities for glass-enabled technology and design. See how glass is shaping the future at www.TheGlassAge.com
Presented by Corning.

The Rolling Stones – Tumbling Dice – Auckland, New Zealand
‘The Rolling Stones tonight played the final show of their tour of Australia and New Zealand, and the final show of their 14 ON FIRE tour.
Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ronnie played a 19 song set to a besotted crowd of 36,577 fans.
The winner of this Auckland’s hotly contested fan vote was Like A Rolling Stone, which one by a whisker of just over 500 votes. This was the third time the song won the fan song vote this year, having previously won in Madrid and, this tour’s opening night, in Adelaide.
The touring band at the Mount Smart Stadium, and every other show on this leg of the tour were, Lisa Fischer and Bernard Fowler on backing vocals, Tim Ries on sax and keys, Karl Denson on tenor saxophone, Darryl Jones on bass, Chuck Leavell on keys, and musical integrator Matt Clifford.
The Rolling Stones played 8 shows in Australia and New Zealand, travelled over 18,000 miles and 173,838 fans came to see them.
Start Me Up
It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll (But I Like It)
You Got Me Rocking
Tumbling Dice
Like A Rolling Stone (Song vote winner)
Doom And Gloom
Out Of Control
Honky Tonk Women
– Band Introductions
You Got The Silver (with Keith on lead vocals)
Before They Make Me Run (with Keith on lead vocals)
Happy (with Keith on lead vocals)
Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor)
Miss You
Gimme Shelter (with Lisa Fischer)
Jumpin’ Jack Flash
Sympathy For The Devil
Brown Sugar
You Can’t Always Get What You Want (with the Auckland members of the New Zealand Youth Choir)
(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
Subscribe for more: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheRollingStones